With Giavapps Windows API for Unity (developed and produced by Luigi Piscopo) you can easily create and manage native Windows User Interfaces in no time.
Thanks to this extension you can save time and forget about writing a lot of boring line of codes like you would normally do when coding in C++ or C#.
Giavapps Windows API works exclusively on Windows since it implements native Windows API.
* Includes support for the following Controls: Button, ComboBox, Edit, IPAddress, ListBox, ProgressBar, ScrollBar, Static, StatusBar, Window.
* Includes support for the following Resources: Bitmap, Cursor, Font, Icon, ImageList, Menu.
* Includes support for the following Inputs: Keyboard, Mouse.
* Includes support for the following Dialogs: MessageBox.
* Includes support for executing Shell Commands.
* Well documented, well structured, easy to use and very lightweight extension.
You can find the full documentation with screenshots and code examples at the following link: