![Standard Deferred Decals](https://d2ujflorbtfzji.cloudfront.net/key-image/50e62e35-b562-4bb8-bd8e-3d7917ffbda5.jpg)
Standard Deferred Decals is a shader material for Unity that allows you to add mesh-based non-projected decals into your deferred rendering projects. This means that objects, that have semi-transparent albedo textures (with values in their alpha channels of their albedo textures between 0 and 1) will start smoothly blending with the rest of the environment, instead of having sharp transitions like with the Cutout shader. For all intents and purposes SDD decals use the very same Standard shader, so you can be sure that they will look consistent with the rest of the world.
Advantages over other deferred decals solutions:
-Do not require recipient objects to be rendered twice;
-Receives all Unity lights correctly (including IBL from Skybox;
-Can be set as static and emit Global Illumination;
-Allows decals to influence every channel, including Ambient Occlusion, Smoothness and Emission;
-Basically cost the same as rendering an object with a Standard shader, however, take two passes to render;
This package includes 2 shaders (Standard Deferred Decal smoothness setup and Standard Deferred Decal specular setup) and 1 ShaderGUI editor script with full source code. as well as the scene you can see on screenshots with HQ PBR (2k/4k) asphalt road and road marking decals (only road no buildings nor trafic lights).