AutoAssetBundles is an automatic AssetBundle and Player build and runtime loading system.
- Build AssetBundles without tagging a single asset in your project.
- Automatically AssetBundle all required assets, making it impossible to forget assets in your AssetBundles.
- Automatically included shared assets in a single shared AssetBundle to prevent duplication and decrease build size.
- Build Runtime Players which automatically exclude scenes which are AssetBundled, reducing overall build size for your applications.
- Load AssetBundles from local files or web urls with the included runtime loader component.
- Build AssetBundles and Players for multiple platforms without having to switch platforms in the editor.
- Most Unity Build Platforms are supported.
AutoAssetBundles proves a simple, fast and error resistant approach to creating and loading AssetBundles when compared to the standard editor AssetBundle workflow, which requires you to manually tag each asset in your project and know exactly which AssetBundles are required at runtime to ensure your scene appears as you envisioned it.
With AutoAssetBundles you simply drop your scenes into the AutoAssetBundles window, set a few simple settings and click build, resulting in a complete set of AssetBundles without tagging or missing a single asset. As the AssetBundles are calculated on a per-scene basis, it is impossible to forget required assets in your AssetBundles.
After you have built your AssetBundles, simply click Build Player and a player will be generated which automatically excludes any scene you have built AssetBundles for, reducing build time and size.
Then at runtime, use the included runtime loader component to load the AssetBundles you have created, either from local files or a web server with minimal scripting required.
If you have any questions or would like any further information on this plugin feel free to email to unity@johnnygray.co.uk