First-person camera solutions perfect for racing!
DriverCam combines two useful and realistic first-person camera styles into a very user-friendly script. Camera mode can be selected by a switch, and features multiple touches to make your game as immersive as possible!
Camera modes:
Joystick Camera - Convert a gamepad joystick's XY movement into a 360° rotation, with head lean to actually look out your rear windshield.
Gyro Camera - Use a smartphone or VR headset to control a camera that sticks with its parent, including the head lean mentioned above.
The setup also features realistic head bobbing, vehicle "handedness" and window settings, multiple movement adjustments, and full recalibration for Gyro mode!
DriverCam, however, is not restricted solely to vehicle cameras, it is a versatile setup for controlling any object's rotation, and provides numerous hints for utilizing every individual feature for your own purposes.
Also included are a detailed free vehicle model with fully textured interior and realistic vehicle controller script, as well as a full race course to drive on.