Unity Forum
Version 1.4
• AXInstanceController Node - Controller Other AX Models in the scene from within your graph.
Version 1.3
• Brand new SVGToTurtle Importer UI
• 3 new Extended turtle script commands
• Export multiple paths to a single node now
• Ability to Offset a selected path
• Ability to flip a seleced path on the X or Y plane
Version 1.1
• Now includes a .OBJ exporter
• Now Includes SVG To Turtle Convertor allowing you to import SVG paths as shapes for use in Archimatix
Archimatix Pro Tools & Nodes is a set of Tools and Nodes for Archimatix that that brings the control over your AX models to the next level. Perform scene wide changes with Scene Level Parameters for your graphs. Import SVG path data to your graphs and use it to generate new shapes to use with the SVG Importer tool. Control other AXModels in the scene directly from within your graph using the AXInstanceController. Export your model for importing into other 3D applications like blender or maya using the objExporter tool.
The AXInstanceController node allows you to target another AXModel in the scene, and adds that models exposed parameters as inputs. This allows you to have the parameters from one graph drive the exposed parameters of another graph. Currently bool, ints and floats, but im looking in to expanding it to allow to do more like materials and such.
• You can have one graph control an entire scene of ax models.
• You can design larger models in smaller parts that are driven by the main model.
• You could target an AXModel in the scene with an AXInstanceController, and then use the PrefabInstancer to repeat it around the scene. You can now dynamically instantiate multiple copies of the original prefab, and use the AXInstanceController to update them all.
The Scene Parameter Node gives a graph access to a set of scene parameters you have defined using the Scene Parameter Component that is also included in this package. This allows you to have multiple AX Graphs share and use variables allowing them re-act to changes at the scene level.
When a Scene Parameter Node is added to a graph it finds the Scene Parameter Component for the current scene and adds all the scene parameters you have defined on your component to the node. From here on out any time you change a Scene Parameters value via the game component, or through code, the Scene Parameter Node’s matching parameters values will also be updated. When need parameters are added to the Scene Parameter component all Scene Parameter Nodes in all Graphs in the scene are also updated to include the new parameter.
The Command Node is a super powered general purpose logic node that has the ability to perform a myriad of complicated logical operations within your graph.
The Command Node allows you to add and remove parameters from it, much like a Shape or Grouper Node would, and it allows you to use TurtleScript within the context of this node. The Command Node also makes use of some Extended TurtleScript commands to bring some added features to the table.
By combining all of this together you are able to perform just about any sort of logical operation you can dream up to alter your model.