Power your tools with Voltage and save your time for something else!
If you have found that the default UI layout for editor scripting is making it harder for you to build your tools or editors, then this is the asset for you.
Voltage is a significant improvement on the current OnGUI system. By using Voltage you can reduce the time and pain of building windows and editors.
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- Realtime Styles Editor: for easily managing all your styles on one window, now you wont have to trouble yourself coding your styles. You can edit them, see the changes on real time and use them on your code just like that.
- Split Area: if you where wondering how to provide your windows or editors with a split screen, now it will only take you one line of code.
- Foldout Areas: foldouts made easy with Voltage.
- Tab Areas: a simple implementation of tabs.
- List: A simple to implement nested list for you to use on whatever way you want to. With right mouse click for deleting, duplicating (Multi-selection still not fully functional)
- Weighted Areas: for fitting elements in a simple way.
- Stream Areas: for when you need a stream of tight fitted elements.
- Scroll Areas: foldouts made easy with Voltage.
- Fields: All the classic drawers implemented, and the possibility to expand and add your own custom elements for you to use.
- Helpers: To help you break your windows or editors into multiple scripts.
- Nested Areas: easy to comprehend nested areas, combine all the different areas to control and organize your interface.
Unity Forum: @whileBreak
Email: agustin.ndt@gmail.com
Special Thanks to Delarn and GengarGames777 for helping me to test and improve this asset