PauseMi is a script that allows you to pause your game, via freezing components and more!
Compatible with Unity 5+.
It also includes two scripts for storing RigidBody states (2D and regular), these are also documented as they could prove useful to you.
There's also an extra SlowMo feature.
-Extra slow-motion feature, sets Audio pitch and interpolation along with TimeScale.
-'Freezes' RigidBody's upon pause and restores their state on resume
-Disables custom MonoBehaviours, option to exclude specific ones.
-Pauses ParticleSystems, Animation, Media Content and more!
-Set whether a Scene should start paused or not.
-Fully open-source, fully configurable
-API to add your own custom function calls that are triggered when pause/SlowMo is set.
-Intuitive interface.
-Extensive documentation.
-Easy to use, quick setup.
The main pause system can be used to pause your game.
The RigidbodyState could potentially be used to restore a RigidBody to an earlier time.
The SlowMo function can be enabled separately to the pause system, both could be used for great effect to do something similar to Killing Floor's 'Zed Time'.
Package Contains:
-Test scenes
-Pause System script (pauseMi)
-RigidbodyState class
-Rigidbody2DState class
-A script for toggling pause on keypress
-Extra/Testing scripts
-Sample videos (Eager Amoeba Logo)
-Debug animations
-Sample infinite bounce material
-PauseMi Icon
-README file
-One sound file provided by freesfx.com
Visit our website for more info - eageramoeba.co.uk/PauseMi
Follow us on social networks for updates regarding this and future products - @EagerAmoeba