![OpenCV# for Unity](http://d2ujflorbtfzji.cloudfront.net/key-image/95598522-0d04-4811-a4d2-1fff5d11b03c.jpg)
Fast and easy to use asset that brings OpenCV functionality to Unity.
- Supports following platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS.
- Works both in editor and as a standalone.
- Includes optimised functions for easy conversion between common Unity and OpenCV structures (WebCamTexture to Mat, Mat to Color32[], etc.). Conversions are done through memory read and write, never iteratively.
- Uses vanilla C++ OpenCV 3.3.1 with C# wrapper and syntax.
- Due to the direct calls from C# to the C++ native OpenCV plugins 60+ FPS is easily achievable on mobile, and 200+ FPS on desktop devices.
- IDisposable is implemented along with exception redirection to standard Unity errors.
Included modules: core, calib3d, imgproc, shape, superres, stitching, video, aurco, bgsegm, dnn, face, img_hash, optflow, tracking, xfeatures2d, imgproc, xphoto and text.
Download demo:
Windows -
MacOS -
Linux -
Android -
More info:
Website - Youtube Channel - Forums
- Auto-generated documentation.
Note: Since version 1.2 support for MacOS and Linux 32-bit has been dropped.
If you have any questions. problems or suggestions you can contact us at info@nwhcoding.com. Support is free and we always answer within a few hours.