This extension requires one license per seat.
Asset refs in scenes is a powerful tool to track all the references between your assets and scenes.
You can search asset refs to 1000+ assets in scene simultaneously.
No more complicated boring hand search!
User friendly!
Work autosaving!
Technical support!
Dark and light styles!
This package allows you to:
- Search for an asset refs in all your scenes.
Use "Search engine for asset refs"
- Find any missing refs in all your scenes to missing prefabs, models, mono scripts, component`s inspector properties.
Use "Search engine for missing refs"
Additional features:
- Three-level sorting of assets by folder/name/type
- Filter of assets by type
- Guide assistant "Next..Next..Start search".
- Ability to select found refs in scene by one click
To open it, go to "Window/Asset refs in scenes".
Contact me for questions, feature requests or improvements to "Asset refs in scenes". Or some bug that slipped!
Leave a review here in the store if you can! Good or bad; developers need feedback! :)