SPECIAL PRICE TO CELEBRATE THE RELASE OF A NEW SET OF SOUNDS A set of 7 para-musical underscores perfect for the unknown places of the Gods. Reminiscent of big rooms, detailed creepy glitches and coloured air. Many have heavy, low frequency "floor shakers".
HIgh quality OGG files.
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Gods 1 (1:48) - High frequency waves, mid-surging, regular low end thud
Gods 2 (3:17) - Otherworldly forest, birds, constant high freq tones, glassy
Gods 3 (1:42 - based on Gods 2 but contains a jittering white noise and a floor shaker
Gods 4 (2:02) based on Gods 2 - but contains regular vowel sweep and floor shaker
Gods 5 (2:34) - contains bells, wind, tiger
Gods 6 (2:48) - contains glitch, flutes and winds
Gods 7 (4:58) - complex combinations of Gods 2 and detailed elements contains mechanical glitch, breezes, alien voices