Richly detailed, hand-painted resource icons suitable for a strategy game, RPG, or board game-like experience.Richly detailed, hand-painted resource icons suitable for a strategy game, RPG, or board game-like experience. The intent of this set is, basically, to cover the requirements of a high-level "map game". May or may not be inspired in part by a certain long-running history-themed turn based game series.85 icons (so far!)all icons are 128x128 pixelsprovided on a transparent background for maximum flexibilityIcons include various metals, foods & food sources, natural resources, and a few crafted/manufactured goods.Icons are provided as individual transparent-background PNG files.The key element consists of the icons, which are transparent-background PNG files.They're extremely simple and can be implemented in various ways: as UI images, as sprites, and probably even as textures on quads.