ShortcutImporter allows you to easily import external assets such as DLL files to your Unity project using good old-fashioned Windows shortcuts. Every file type is supported and you can even import entire folders.
ShortcutImporter has been designed to be easy and safe to use. Every asset you choose to import is copied to your Unity project and can be kept up-to-date with the press of a button. Your asset settings such as max size for textures will persist when you update it. Do you want to stick with the imported version of your asset and no longer keep it up-to-date with the external file? Simply delete the shortcut.
Note: ShortcutImporter only works when you are running the Unity Editor on Windows. No need to remove the plugin when you open your project on Mac OSX, ShortcutImporter will simply disable itself.
Second note: ShortcutImporter will never do anything to your external files, but it is possible that you overwrite an imported asset by accident. Make sure to make and keep regular backups of your project to reduce the risk of data loss. Nocturnal Games is not responsible for any data loss that might occur.