A new kind of Shoot'Em Up game with 3rd Person view instead of Top-Down.But this does not mean the camera can't be changed. It supports any kind of rendering and camera orientation. You can also add new turrets or provide more Power-Ups for a better Experience and it can get better with your fresh ideas!
WebPlayer Preview
- GameOver Screen
- MainMenu Setup
- Health pickup, Power-Ups
- Score and Local HighScore
- Two Laser Weapons
- Hit Particle and Explosion
- Customize the Game Scroll Speed
- Customize the enemies health
- Easy to change Health Pickup Amount
- Customize the score for each enemy
- Customize the bullet cast by cannons
- Custom player health
- Easily change the distance you need to fly (Start and End of each level)
- Easy to customize the size of the playable screen (Limitation of player movement)
- Custom Score for each Enemy you Destroy
- Custom Explosion Particle and Hit Particle for each enemy
- Ability to set the sight Range for Each Enemy
- Gizmos for Radius and Sight Ranges
- Health Pickup
- Weapon Changer Pickup
- Speed Booster
- Sound FX and Music
- Customize the Sounds for each Component
- Level Loader Trigger
- Master Music and SFX Volume for GameLogic Component
- Sourcecode is well commented so you can easily change or add new features
- Demo Scene is also included.
- Movement (Arrow Keys)
- Shoot (Space)
- Speed Boost (Left Shift)
Note: Demo scene is just one level but the Level Loader script is also available on demo-scene for easo of level changing.