This script works with:
-Procedural terrains.
-Large open world.
-Many pathfinders.
-Buildings with multiple floors.
This is an example of game that use this script to move the AIs.
What can i do with this script?
With CorvoPathFinding System you will able to generate a path from a position to a destination (for humanoid units, animals, vehicles etc.) on every 3D ambients: Even large open worlds or building interiors with multiple floors.
After setting up the script, you will able to get the path as a Vector3 array or a Vector3 point to every point of the node. Using UnitPathfinder script you will able to move objects along the found path, or you can write your custom script. Is recommended to use UnitPathfinder script as it is optimized to call the functions with the best frequency.
How can i use it?
Using this script is incredible simple:
Set up the Pathfinding system on your unit.
Select your unit and add the CorvoPathfinding System to it. Adjust the parameters to customize it for your unit sizes.
IMPORTANT: Choose a good grid size; Huge grid needs lot of CPU processing, so it is recommended to make it big enough to find the way inside buildings, but not too big to avoid slowdowns in the game. Remember that if your destination will outside the selected grid area, that will not a problem: You just have to call the function every time you reached the end of the current path. UnitPathfinder script already do that, so i suggest to use that script to give move orders to your units.
To use UnitPathfinder script you just have to add the UnitPathfinder component to your unit, and call the functions goTo(position) and stop() to move your unit. You can also adjust some parameters to customize unit movements.
shows how to interact with UnitPathfinder and CorvoPathFinding classes.