Blinking Line is the game where you draw a snake-like line that it will removed colored dots targets and avoid black dots when it repeats across the screen. Lines that run out of the top or bottom of the screen and reset the level, reflect back towards the dots if hit the left or right of the screen.
This game is ready for release out-of-the-box. Everything just works. It is also flexible and customizable.
- Addictive gameplay.
- 100 ready levels
- Easy to use Level Editor
- Free-to-use assets (fonts, sounds, music, model, etc.)
- Fully commented C#
- Unity Ads and Admob (banner, interstitial )
- General share Android/IOS
- Optimized for mobile
Demo APK
Support email: onefallgames@gmail.com
Your rating, review and feedback are greatly appreciated!