Have a messy scene with hundreds (or more) of objects? Wish there was an easier way to parent/unparent objects?
Now, with our SortingHat script, with just the click of a button you can unparent any GameObject in your hierarchy and attach it to another GameObject in your hierarchy! With just one click!
Edit the target objects right in the GUI Window - no need to open the script to change targets!
Step 1: Open the SortingHat (Window -> SortingHat)
Step 2: Type in the amount of buttons you'd like to use and click Set.
Step 3: Create the object (or use an existing object) to which you want your GameObjects to attach.
Step 4: In the SortingHat window, click the Set Target button.
Step 5: Select the object or objects you'd like to move.
Step 6: Click the Parent To button.
Done! Now the objects you selected are parented under the object you targeted! It's pretty easy and could save you a ton of time if your scene has a lot of objects..
If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to
and we will get back to you as soon as we can.