I present to you my new package Sorcerer's Spells. 34 spells with over 25 of them having a charge and explosion effects.In total 91 complete effects in one package!
Each spell uses an easy to use script in which you can state how fast it goes, what type of spell it is, what type of damage it deals and a lot more. However, explosions use their own class there you can decide whether or not you use a lens flare effect, which has a basic script for brightening and dimming the flare.
Furthermore you can add a script called DarkenningScene for "dark" type of spells. The script gets the directional light plus every other type of light in its range and dims it according to the user settings. The skybox also darkens by using the hsb brightness amount to make a better effect.Included in the package is a simple passive enemy ai with a script for health. In that script you can tell the program what types of damage that particular entity is weak to and strong to.
Make sure you read the ReadMe file because it contains some important information on how you set it up on your project.