VectorayGen - Official Vector Field Plugin - FGA & 3D Texture Support - Effects Graph Compatible
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This plugin lets you control particles and rigid bodies using Vector Fields exported from VectorayGen. This plugin can also accept vector fields exported by other software as long as it is in .fga format. The plugin is also compatible with Unity's new Visual Effects Graph. Simply import a .fga vector field and click save 3D texture while viewing your vector field within unity.
- Use vector fields to control both particles and rigid bodies.
- Generate 3D texture files to use with Unity's new Visual Effects Graph
- Animate vector field intensity, tolerance, and multipliers with the built in curve editor.
- Virtually no limit on how many vector fields you can use to affect particles and rigid bodies.
- Choose which vector fields affect specific particle systems or rigid bodies.
- Spawn particles on the edges, at the vector origins, on the bounding box faces, or within the fields volume for ultimate control.
- Complete control over how the vector field is visualized in the editor.
- New scripts that seamlessly integrate vector fields directly into particle systems and the editor.
- 10 Vector Fields to get you started.
- 5 example scenes.
- Simple to use and versatile scripts for creating your own effects.
- Documentation and support, including tutorial videos.
-Tutorial for this plugin
-Visual Effects Graph support
-VectorayGen (recommended external software) tutorial
JangaFX Software:
-JangaFX's Twitter
Tool created in collaboration with Gil Damoiseaux at Ignishot
-Ignishots Twitter
このプラグインでは、VectorayGenからエクスポートされたベクターフィールドを使用して、パーティクルとリジッドボディを制御できます。このプラグインは、.fga形式である限り、他のソフトウェアによってエクスポートされたベクターフィールドも受け入れることができます。このプラグインは、Unityの新しいビジュアルエフェクトグラフとも互換性があります。 .fgaベクトルフィールドをインポートし、1内でベクトルフィールドを表示しながら、3Dテクスチャの保存をクリックするだけです。
IgnishotのGil Damoiseauxと共同で作成されたツール
-Ignishots Twitter