This project is formed of a set of classes to allow you to very easily use Binary trees in your project:
- Simple BTrees (i.e. BTree[int]): classes to manage ints, strings, and simple types of that kind. You just declare it, insert or remove data and search for it when needed; this code will do the rest!
- Complex BTress (i.e. BTree[YourObject, YourObjectKey], or general purpose trees): if simple data is not enough for you and want to have, for instance, ordered lists of a lot of GameObjects that would be identified by their tag, just declare a BTree[GameObject,string] and act as if it was a simple tree; even if you want some very specific order, just create your key class and declare a BTree[GameObject, Whatever] when Whatever is a funcion of GameObject ( + "/" + GameObject.tag + otherData, for instance), it's contemplated.
A Readme file is contained in the Assets folder with all the details, plus several simple scenes with code examples. Just try it!