You can see a web player demo here
This package contains:
-One car model with three LOD states:
LOD0 is 4638 triangles (including body, wheels,lights glass, shadow plane and collision proxy).
LOD1 is 2010 triangles (including body, wheels, shadow plane and collision proxy).
LOD2 is 1032 triangles (including body, wheels, shadow plane and collision proxy).
- One collision proxy.
- One fake shadow plane with a 256x256 png texture
- One diffuse texture 1024x1024 png (both for the wheels,body end lights glass) with the gloss map in the alpha channel.
- One normal map texture for the LOD0 model.
- Two different cubemaps for reflection.
- Two Reflective CG ShaderModel 3.0 that uses a ramp to fake a fresnel reflection and support normal map and gloss map on LOD0 model.
- One Reflective CG ShaderModel 2.0 with trasparency for the lights glass, that uses a ramp to fake a fresnel reflection for LOD0 model.
- One Reflective CG ShaderModel 2.0 that uses a ramp to fake a fresnel reflection and supports glossmap on LOD1 e LOD2 models.
The package also includes a layered PSD to easily modify the car body paint.