Simple XML provides an easy, quick way to parse resources or strings from an XML format into usable structured data.
Using this package, an XML string is converted into an XML Tag structure, which contains the attributes of each tag, the contents of the tag, links to the parent of the tag, and any other tags within it. An XML Tag object can be created and manipulated in code, and using the ToString() function converted to a format which can be directly written to a new XML file.
The System.XML .NET library is not required, which can help keep your build size small.
The demo is divided into four sections, and is included with the project.
The first show the result of reading a test file in different ways. The first is simply reading as a string to show what is in the file, the next reads the file as a single tag, and the third reads the file as a list of tags. When reading a file with multiple top level tags, they are places as tags inside of a new tag which has the name of the file. When reading as a list of tags, the result is a list of the top level tags in the file.
The second section shows active manipulation of a generated tag, and the string result of that element. This shows the adding of attributes, content and inside tags.
The third section of the demo shows the result of parsing any inputted string.
The final section of the demo parses the given file and spawns the described GameObject using two different methods of interpreting the result of the parse.
10-23-2014 Changes
-Added conversion to JSON string from XML tag. This does not include reading a JSON string.
02-04-2015 Changes
-Added optional sorted inside tags to improve search performance using a binary search.
03-24-2015 Changes
-Substantially increased the amount of documentation, which is now hosted online.
-Added experimental methods.
04-15-2015 Changes
-Fixed error with tags ended using "/>" instead of a full closing tag.