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This package has 5 different soilders, all is
animated and the mecanim is alreaddy done.
The Mesh style is Polygon and that mean , too that you can easy use it for the mobile.
Each of the 5 Soliders are animated with each weapon, so you won`t get any problems and the materials are prepared, too and natural mean this, that the Soilders own a texture, the size is 200 pixels up to 250 pixels.
The Avatar mask and the mecanim is already done, so you don`t need to make the hard work.
-Schutzstaffel A solider
-Schutzstaffel B solider
-Wehrmacht A solider
-Wehrmacht B solider
-Wehrmacht C solider
Each soilder has 8 weapons which are already animated with (Idle,Aim,Reload) and each weapon have a bullet case include.