Need to kill some zombies, break someone’s bones, disembowel some vampires, or autopsy aliens?
Almost 390 sound effects of vegetable punches, hits, rips, tears, squelches, stabs
and destroy. All recorded at stereo 24 bits and 96 kHz to keep the most realistic,
deep and detailed sound for that video-game or film project that needs a big
massacre. You have to try it to believe it!
Soundcloud Demo
Chard breaks 2
Chard hits
Chard clump hits
Chard twist slowly
Chard twist with tension
Chard breaks slowly
Chard Fast hits
Chard slow clump hits
Chard slow clump hits 2
Chard Fast clump hits
Chard Fast twist
Chard Fast twist 2
Celery cut with tools
Celery slow break
Celery fast break
Celery tearing
Celery fast hits
Celery clump handle
Celery fast twist
Celery slow twist
Pumpkin smash
Muskmelon smash
Cantaloupe smash
Orange smash
Cabbage smash
Watermelon smash
Tomato smash
Bamboo slow break
Pumpkin squish and tearing
Pumpkin hammer hit
Pumpkin hammer hit 2
Pumpkin squish 1
Pumpkin squish 2
Pumpkin long ripping stab
Pumpkin knife stab
Pumpkin fast ripping stab
Pumpkin machete stab
Pumpkin fast stab
Pumpkin fast squish
Pumpkin fast stab 2
Cinnamon breaking
Cinnamon smashed with hammer
Cinnamon handle and squish
Cinnamon knife cut
Cinnamon smashed with hammer 2
Cinnamon handle and tearing
Cinnamon squish
Maize hand cracked
Maize sawing
Maize clump handle and rip
Maize clump rip
Maize machete stab
Spinach clump hits
Spinach handle and twisting
Egg knife stab
Egg smashed
Egg dropped on knife
Egg shell handle and squish
Eggs against each other break and squish
Egg hammer hits
Egg single handle squeeze
Egg fast stab
Eggs squished with hammer
Egg slow squeeze
Egg throws on floor
Lettuce handling and slowly ripping
Lettuce stabbed hard
Lettuce fast twist
Lettuce slow twist
Lettuce slow tearing
Cantaloupe squeeze and ripping
Cantaloupe hammer hits
Cantaloupe hammer squish
Cantaloupe handling and squishing
Cantaloupe wet squish
Cantaloupe fast stab and ripping
Cantaloupe fast stab
Bell pepper hammer crush
Bell pepper knife cuts
Bell pepper fast stab
Bell pepper stabs
Orange hammer hit
Orange handle and squeeze
Orange stabs
Roman lettuce fast squishes
Roman lettuce fast cuts
Roman lettuce throws
Roman lettuce hammer hit
Roman lettuce clump stab
Roman lettuce cut with tool
Roman lettuce hits 1
Roman lettuce hits 2
Roman lettuce clump handle
Roman lettuce stab and ripping
Roman lettuce fast stabs
Roman lettuce clump sawing
Roman lettuce handle and squish
Watermelon ripping peel
watermelon hammer hits
Watermelon knife cuts
watermelon fast stab
watermelon hammer squished
watermelon hand squished
watermelon hits 1
watermelon stab and ripping