An Insectoid Creature
- Powerful member of the Hive. Found in small packs. Feeds mostly on rotting meat.
(Play the Real-time demo.)
- 3010 tris
- 1986 verts
- Mirrored UVs
- Legacy
- 59 bones
Animations ( 21 )
- standing_idle
- standing_walk
- standing_walk_left
- standing_walk_right
- standing_attack_1
- standing_attack_2
- standing_attack_3
- standing_hit
- jump
- falling
- land
- crawl_idle
- crawl_walk
- crawl_attack_1
- crawl_hit
- crawl_jump
- crawl_stunned
- crawl_stunned_hit
- crawl_block
- fly_idle
- death
- 2 Materials Assigned
- 1 diffuse Map (x1024) (.PSD)
- 1 normal Map (x1024) (.PSD)
- 1 diffSpec Map ("RGB" Diff, "A" Spec ) (x1024) (.PNG)