InfiniTREE - Procedural Forest Creation & Optimization
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InfiniTREE is a procedural tree generation and optimization system for Unity. It supports dynamic LODs, ease of customization using any prefab or Unity Tree Creator for tree parts & interactive treesInfiniTREE is a procedural tree generation and optimization system for Unity. It supports dynamic LOD management, ultimate ease of customization, using any prefab or Unity Tree Creator to define tree parts and interactive trees.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big limited time offer, InfiniTREE can be upgraded at big discount to InfiniGRASS for $29, then from InfiniGRASS to Sky Master ULTIMATE for $49 and from Sky Master ULTIMATE to all other major ARTnGAME assets for only $9-$59 !!! The purchases must be done in separate orders after own the upgrade from asset in the asset library.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Create trees with amazing detail and let the included forest manager group them and batch them with the custom multithreaded batching system for ultimate performance.The InfiniTREE system is also the base of the new InfiniGRASS system, which in certain aspects is a major upgrade over InfiniTREE, like the new grass manager to handle vegetation spawning and the new vegetation shaders. InfiniTREE does not use a global manager, which in some cases may be beneficial as well.InfiniTREE may thus be used along side InfiniGRASS, for having all options and to exchange shaders for better result in tree visuals and to use the unique in InfiniTREE procedural L-Trees generation at run time or as unique models for InfiniGRASS brushes.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Windows Demo: InfiniTREE DemoCreate spectacular thick forests, add and grow trees on the fly during gameplay and interact with any tree and control all its parts individually. Ultimate customization with instant use of any prefab for bark, leaves and branches. Create any type of tree fast, imagination is the only limit.The system will also get expanded with spline and physics based mesh generation in upcoming updates, for even more control over tree shaping during gameplay.Features:- New(v1.6)-More shaping options for tree generation- New(v1.6)-Major performance enchancements, for faster tree creation & dynamics- New(v1.6)-New tree chopping behavior & demo- New(v1.6)-New tree types and shaders- New(v1.6)-New grass, spline and mesh generation modes WIP showcase demos- New(v1.6)-More LOD options- Procedural tree generation using L-trees. Create unique, rule based trees in the editor or during play mode.- Ultimate customization and ease of use, use any prefab for the tree parts, also compatible with Unity Tree Creator meshes- Interactive trees in play mode, infinite interaction possibilities (e.g. chop, move, explode, control trees, leaves & branches individually)- Multithreaded dynamic batching system, that allows smooth addition and growth of trees during play mode and supremely detailed trees.- Forest manager, that will group trees for optimal batching and performance, based on their type (static or dynamic) and relative distances.- Fully controllable and customizable LOD system, use any mesh as LOD group and have complete control over the LOD method.- Grow trees in the editor for preview and customize them further. Save prefabs of the trees on the disk for other uses.- Instantiation of any tree with complete control of its features, during play mode.- Grass mode, that will spread dynamic detailed grass over the terrain.The framework is written in C# code and the source code is provided.VideosDynamic tree growth & control | InfniTree systemIf you have any requests for new features or feedback and for demos, please visit the Unity forum thread. For support, contact me via[Facebook] [E-mail] [ARTnGAME Discord] More info on the official website**********************************************************For tutorials & latest information, visit the ARTnGame forum.**********************************************************ARTnGame Asset Upgrades GuideHDRP Version is included from v1.9.3 and above.URP Version is included from v1.9.4 and above.
InfiniTREE はUnityのプロシージャルな樹木生成システムです。本製品は樹木のパーツやインタラクティブな樹木を定義するために任意のプレハブまたはUnity Tree Creatorを用いて、動的なLOD管理をサポートし究極のカスタマイズを提供します。
驚くほど詳細な樹木を作成し、究極のパフォーマンスを得るために付属のForest Managerでグループ化し、カスタムのマルチスレッデドのバッチ処理システムを使用してバッチ処理を行います。
Sky MasterデモつきInfiniTREE
見事で豊かな森を作成し、ゲームプレイ中にその場で木を追加し育て、任意の木と相互に作用させ、すべてのパーツを個々に管理しましょう。 樹皮、葉、枝の任意のプレハブの即時使用による究極のカスタマイズ。任意の樹木を高速作成。想像できるあらゆるものを再現可能です。
- 新機能(v1.6)-樹木のさらなる成形オプション
- 新機能(v1.6)-より高速な樹木作成・力学の主要なパフォーマンスの主な機能向上
- 新機能(v1.6)-新しい樹木切断動作・デモ
- 新機能(v1.6)-新しい樹木の種類とシェーダー
- 新機能(v1.6)-新しい芝生、スプライン、メッシュ生成モード WIP 展示デモ
- 新機能(v1.6)-さらなるLODオプション
- L型樹木を使用したプロシージャルな樹木生成。エディター内またはプレイモード中の一意のルールベースの樹木作成。
- 究極のカスタマイズと使いやすさ、樹木のパーツの任意のプレハブを使用、Unity Tree Creatorともコンバチブル
- プレイモードで樹木が相互に作用、無限の相互作用の可能性(例:樹木、葉・枝を個々に切断、移動、爆発、制御)
- マルチスレッドの動的バッチ処理システムによりプレイモード中に、極めて詳細な樹木をスムーズに追加し成長させることが可能。
- Forest managerを使用した樹木の種類(静的、動的)と相対距離に基づいた樹木のグループ化により最適なバッチ処理とパフォーマンスを実現。
- 完全に制御とカスタマイズが可能なLODシステム、任意のメッシュをLODグループとして使用しLODメソッド上で完全に制御。
- プレビューと詳細なカスタマイズができるようエディター内で樹木を生育。その他の利用のためにディスク上で樹木のプレハブを保存。
- プレイモード中機能を完全に制御して任意の樹木をインストール。
- 草モードにより地表に動的で詳細な草を分散。
動的な樹木の成長・制御 | InfniTreeシステム
新機能やフィードバック、およびモバイルのデモに関する要望がある場合は、 Unity フォーラムスレッドをご覧ください。
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