Now with FUnit Remote! Run your tests on your targeted device!
FUnit Testing Tools is a testing framework designed to aid you in creating tests for your C# Unity projects. Testing is an integral step in the development process, and FUnit helps you perform this task seamlessly without the requirement of other tools or libraries. To test your code with FUnit, you can utilize its two different types of test containers.
Unit Tests
You may already be familiar with unit testing. FUnit takes advantage of this by using familiar concepts and syntax for creating unit tests. Test your back-end and low-level systems with unit testing, and keep track of their status with the integrated FUnit Test editor!
Yielding Tests
Yield tests are what really drive FUnit, and they help you more fully test your Unity products. With yield testing, you can create robust test cases that can actually help you test your Monobehaviour-derived classes. With yield tests, you can control the objects in your scene, pause (or wait) until conditions occur before continuing the test, and even watch the test as it executes!
Ensure Your Software is at its Best!
FUnit's primary goal is to help you prepare your Unity products for release by providing a framework for which you can utilize to test your code. Having a good testing plan is essential for successful software, and FUnit is the tool to help implement that plan.
NEW - FUnit Remote
FUnit Remote is a special version of the FUnit Editor utility that runs within your application itself. Now you can have access to your tests on the platform of your choosing! With just a few clicks, you'll be able to ensure your tests pass on your targeted platform(s)!
For detailed examples on how to use FUnit, please visit FUnit's page on our website.