Quickly add multi-language support to your games using Lean Localization. This lightweight asset allows you to localize text, sounds, load CSV, and much more! 📄 Docs 💬 Forum 🌐 Site💡 Easy To Use ― Drag and drop the languages you want to support, add translations for each phrase, and update your text/images/etc to be localized, all in just a few clicks!💡 Long Term Support ― Lean assets have received regular updates for over 6 years. Thank you to everyone who was downloaded, rated, reviewed, and provided feedback so far!💡 Google Translate ― Automatically translate text into other languages to speed up development!💡 Dynamic Values ― If your text needs to include dynamic names and numbers then simply add tokens like {AGE} to your text. These will automatically be replaced by values you set in the LeanToken component!💡 CSV Loading ― Automatically load localizations from text files to speed up your workflow!💡 Language Detection ― The language of your game will automatically be detected when the user starts the game, you can even pick the method to determine this!💡 Language Saving ― If the user changes the game language while playing, then their new choice will automatically be saved for next time!💡 Text Mesh Pro ― If you're using Text Mesh Pro then double click the Lean/Localization/TextMeshPro package to add it to your project! You can then use the LeanLocalizedTextMeshProUGUI and LeanLocalizedTextMeshProUGUIFont components!💡 Text Localization ― Just add the LeanLocalizedText component to your UI Text GameObject, and it will automatically localize the text!💡 Font Localization ― Just add the LeanLocalizedTextFont component to your UI Text GameObject, and it will automatically localize the font!💡 Image Localization ― Just add the LeanLocalizedImage component to your UI Image GameObject, and it will automatically localize the image!💡 Sprite Localization ― Just add the LeanLocalizedSpriteRenderer component to your Sprite Renderer GameObject, and it will automatically localize the sprite!💡 Sound Localization ― Just add the LeanLocalizedAudioSource component to your Audio Source GameObject, and it will automatically localize the audio clip!Thank you for reading ❤️This asset uses the VarelaRound font under SIL OFL 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.