Colors is a framework for generating coherent color palettes procedurally, using algorithms in code or a graph editor. It supports RGB, HSL and LAB color spaces. Includes rich parsing methods.Provides a graph editor for editing procedural palettes. Supports many node types:Fixed or random colorsMix 2 colorsMix 3 colors randomlyMake RGB, HSL, or LAB gradientsRandom offsetRandom walk from source colorSet hue, saturation, or lightness to fixed value or randomlySample an ellipse in the color spaceFor a full list, see Node Reference.Provides color generation algorithms, including uniform random, random hue, value, or saturation, random from gradient, random mix of three colors, four-point harmony, random tints or shades, random sample from ellipse in the color space.See Algorithm Reference.Support for additional color models which includes interpolation, gradients, and conversion between models.LABHSLProvides extensions methods for gradients, and response curves for colors in all three color spaces.Supports color parsing from strings:Hexadecimal codes (with or without hash, with or without alpha, with or without half the digits).Color names for Unity colors.Grey color values (using bytes or floats, with or without alpha).RGB and RGBA color values (using bytes or floats).↗️ Documentation↗️ Samples↗️ Support↗️ BlogCheck out our other assetsAbstract StrategyGamelogic ExtensionsGrids ProWords