Adapt your game music to the gameplay and build the perfect soundtrack!
This asset includes several seamless and synchronized loops (wav format, 100 bpm), representing 4 games states:
1) Background (no bass / drum, only "ambient")
2) State 1 (bass+drums)
3) Melody 1
4) Melody 2
You can easily crossfade between states, depending on what is happening during your gameplay.
I did not have any particular game in mind, but I feel the style of music is quite "dark" and could work with platforms, puzzle, scrollers, casual games, etc.
There are are also 3 "end" clips:
1: End - single hit.wav
2: End - standard.wav
3: End - dissonant.wav
that can be used as finisher (game over, succes, death, etc).
The music can switch to another feel/mood such as near end level / boss / near death / hurry up /etc. There are 2 "transposed melodies" that can be used for this purpose. The transposed melodies connect to the standard loops via two "breaks" clips.
The asset contains a doc file that explain how the loops should be used. Of course they can also be used as a standard loop clips.
You can look at the video demo here
download a fully funciontal demo here (with the full, watermarked clips and instructions)
or refer to this forum topic for questions and informations
There is a great plugin (Editor Extensions/Audio) called Master Audio by Dark Tonic Inc that can help you in handling the loops crossfade