This is a combination of the 2 previous packs, Sci-Fi Dark Space which contains 70 prefabs and Sci-Fi Dark Space Expansion pack containing 68 prefabs.
By bringing both packs together I am happy to offer you a discount!
All models from Sci-Fi Dark Space share two TGA Diffuse and 2 TGA Normal maps at 4096 x 4096 except for transparent objects which use a 1024 PNG.
All items from the Expansion pack share 1 TGA 4096x4096 Diffuse and Normal map textures.
These still look good at 2048.
Package comes with:
Audio for doors, power generators, wind and transport vehicle hover.
Prefabs range from, walls, floors, doors, windows, hover craft, pillars,control console, laptops, mobiles, couches, tables, platforms, power reactors, power cores, fire extinguisher, money, atm machine, fridge, food and more...
Scripts for controlling door sliding, light flickering and chest opening.
Animations for power generator, door sliding, chest opening.
Demo scenes are included.
YouTube Video
Hope you enjoy this pack!