DeadlyCrow Games presents to you a nice Time of Day system, simple but effective, you can achieve very different effects with the system, it is so dynamic that you can create from the warm and nice look of the earth skies to strange alien planets.
The package contains:
- 1 Time of day manager script, 1 extension methods script.
- 2 materials, clouds and the skybox.
- 1 Time of Day prefab, ready to use.
- 2 shaders, 1 for the moon, 1 for the sky
- Example textures and models.
Enjoy it :D!
For support or questions please do not forget to check out my facebook page:
DeadlyCrow Games Facebook
PD: the water used for the images is another package of mine called DCG - Water Shader and it is not available in this package.
Check it here:
DCG - Water Shaders