This is SimpleLibrary Pool
It contains a simple pooling System for GameObjects
Easy Usage:
GameObject prefab;
void Start()
Why should I use this instead of other pool-manager ?
My pool system lets you change many settings other systems do not let you.
It also contains an intelligent method to always be sure you have enough objects but at the same time try to minimize memory usage by destroying unused objects. The custom Editor is clean but should give you any information and settings you need IF you need it.
Set up Pools using the SimplePoolManager
(Found in GameObject => SimpleLibary => SimplePoolManager)
Add Pools and then set them up.
It contains easy startup but complex setup IF you want.
1. GameObject >= SimpleLibrary => SimplePoolManager => SimplePool
2. Automatically creates manager and connections for you
3. Set up pool name
4. Set up wanted prefab and drag into prefab field
5. Add "PoolInfo" variable to your spawner
6. Use SimplePool.Spawn(PoolInfo) to spawn one object
You can also give it position and rotation afterwards.
Spawn(PoolInfo, position, rotation)
7. Select wanted pool in inspector of spawner
[Included] Essentials
[Not Included] Attributes
[NotReleasedYet] Conditions
[NotReleasedYet] HealthAndDamage
[NotReleasedYet] Input
[NotReleasedYet] Pathfinding
[Included] GameObjectPool
[NotReleasedYet] Spawner