Ultimate Bloom is a production ready and full featured natural bloom and flares engine with an in-depth editor (layers editor, filmic intensity editor, flare editors and more).
At it's core, it uses state of the art algorithms to render high quality natural bloom at a low performance cost. The effect is rendered using a flexible layered bloom algorithm which gives a total artistic control over the rendering process.
All flares are procedurally generated from bright spots so that you don't have to manually place them in the scene.
Compatible with Unity 5 and Unity 4.6+
Bloom Rendering:
•High-end rendering engine
•Editable layers
•Filmic bloom curve
•In-depth rendering editor
Lens Flares:
•Generated from bright spot
•Bokeh flare
•Sprite based flare
•Anamorphic flare
•Star flare
•Ghost lens flare
•All flares are combinables
•Lens dirt mask
•Lens dirt mask generator
•Adaptative kernel sampling
•Temporal sampling
•Anti-“downsize artefacts” and Anti-“jiterring” algorithm
•Highly scalable performance
•Optimization flags for low end hardwares
•Compatible with HDR and non-HDR
•Compatible with Linear and Gamma
The technology used by Ultimate Bloom fixes all commons bloom problems: flickering caused by low resolution sampling, bloom discontinuity(bloom gap), inconsistent size across screen resolutions and low bloom quality with higher scales.
The engine is highly scalable which means that it is possible to set multiple rendering configuration for low end and high end setup. Rendering time can even be lower than the default unity bloom depending on which features are activated.
Performance test (NVIDIA) :
•Unity default bloom: 0.3ms
•Ultimate Bloom Default: 0.4ms
•Ultimate Bloom (Optimized): 0.2ms
•Ultimate Bloom (High): 0.5ms
Ultimate Bloom is not a simple on/off effect. It's a complete modular bloom rendering engine which is scalable enough in quality to target high end hardwares with state of the art quality as well as low end hardwares with highly optimized rendering.