This is wide spaced high detailed AAA quality game level.
It is good to make fantasy, Medieval and Pirates video games.
Level primarily designed for PC or Consoles first or third person type games.
It is also good to make quality video clips.
Tower with all props and objects - 727,235 polygons, 1,172,024 triangles, 821,322 vertices.
Textures are in .TIF file format. (diffuse, normals, opacity and specular) resolution are 4096 x 4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024and 512x512.
In order to reduce pack size all textures was re-seated to "Compressed" Format, If you like to see beautiful picture - please return color textures to "Truecolor", and all normals maps to "16 bits" formats.
This is seamless exterior and interior environments game level. You can't change geometry of tower or Hill ground in Unity but all props, construction elements and objects can be removed, replaced, and moved into another place.
So this pack can be used as Wizard's Place construction KIT, where all objects can be used within another levels and locations in your game.
Asset can be used with Free and Pro Unity versions as well.
There is demo scene included into pack.
Because this is exterior and interior level it need 2 lighting setups. sun_light, need only for exterior. I made pretty detailed interior lighting scheme, but basic for outdoor lighting.
Pack includes:
1. 43 Main prefabs, every includes several objects and allows control on each level area.
2. 77 Different prop prefabs
3. 7 Prefabs of trash object
4. 7 Statures prefabs
5. 10 Rock types prefabs
6. 23 Furniture objects prefabs
7. 35 Building objects prefabs
8. 158 Static textures
9. 1 Animated fire prefab with sprite tilled texture.
10. 7 Light prefabs
11. 1 animated door prefab
12. 11 Plants prefabs
13. All collision types attached. (there are some objects like web, grass... have no colliders)