Unity 5 ready
The primary usage for this asset is to create a lightweight 3D urban background (BG) from low-poly buildings for distant view/mobile. As the buildings share the same texture, after positioning you can attach them to dramatically reduce drawcalls.
The models come with Diffuse/Reflection or Diffuse/Smoothness maps (depending on the Unity version).
The package contains:
- 15 Skyscraper buildings
- 4 Hot Air Balloons (GIFT)
- 1 Skybox (Legacy)
You can change the logos of the balloons (between limits) with the help of the included layered texture source (2K res).
E-mail: herevr3d@gmail.com
Webplayer (Unity 5, non-HDR background) .
Other notes:
The screenshots were made in Unity 5 with Unity's HDR lighting (EveningSkyboxHDR) for reflections.
Triangle count is between 140 and 386 (lowest/highest).
This package will be included in the future updates of the RaceTrack Pack 01. - HereVR Race Scene Project (except of the example scene).