Utilities Package
Works with Unity 4.6+
Uploaded with 2017 and 2020 for compatibility
The Utilities Package contains several tools to help you speed up and optimize your workflow.
Each tools has its own unique features, and some can even be used at run-time.
The package contains MeshBaker to keep the scene optimized, Renamer to organize your level, Replacer for fast easy asset manipulation, Freeze Transform - to stop fighting against pivot location, Grouper to keep everything in folder (LogicGroup - to keep the parent, even if its no longer the "physical" parent).
* Pivot Manipulation.
* Deactivate/Destroy the original meshes.
* Collider Generation.
* Save combines mesh as an asset.
* Combine materials when possible.
* Run-time mesh baker.
* Change all the names with one click.
* Choose if you want to number the objects.
* Replace several game objects with a prefab at once.
* Scale the new object automatically if needed.
* Keep the source objects or destroy all at once.
* Run-time replacer.
Freeze Transform
* Freeze Position
* Freeze Rotation
* Freeze Scale
* Change Pivot
* Manipulate Mesh
* Parent several objects at once
* Manipulate parent pivot
* Create logic group that keeps a reference of the objects
* Can create logic groups from script.
* Convert Mesh to a Terrain
* Export Terrain as an OBJ
Every tool contains
* Very easy to use editor window.
* Full web documentation.
* Video tutorials to help you get started.
* Fast email support.
* Fast bug fixes!
* Works with Unity and Unity Pro.
* Works with any version of Unity!
Feel free to email us for any problem, question or request!