This Stormer HVM tank is suitable for PC and mobile use, providing support for both standard Unity shaders and all the textures required for Unity 5's Physically Based Rendering and dynamic GI.
The mesh has separate turrets, wheels and tracks, which can be enabled and rotated via code, to give full control over various grounded versions of the asset.
There is a Unity 4 and 5 version with both sets of textures in each.
Two versions are included a more detailed version and a more mobile friendly version.
Higher Detail Poly Count : 14,972 triangles
Mobile Detail Poly Count : 2,268 triangles
- Standard Unity bumped specular shaders that work on PC and mobile.
- Separate turrets, wheels and tracks.
- Asset prefab provided so you can 'drag and drop' into your game.
- 2048 PBR textures for diffuse w/gloss, albedo, ao, metalness and normal maps.
Screenshots taken using Unity 5