A simple but feature rich, ready-to-play game template, aimed for Unity-Beginners to Intermediates.
Imaginably useful as a code-snippet archive or even a springboard for your own creations.
website | video | playstore
Main Contents:
- New: Broken-Car Explosion (4)
- New: Camera Shockwave-reaction
- Start Menu (see screens)
- Load/Save game anytime (Json)
- Improved damage-symbol (heart)
- Repair+Refill (R) and Stop-on-empty
- Driveable Loop
- Coin-and Item-Spawning
- Item load and unload
- User Manual (pdf)
- Partly animated GUI-Elements
- Switchable Camera Views (V)
- Speedometer and Fuel Gauge
- Desktop and Touch controls
- Dynamic ground decoration
- Mobile-ready
- Mobile friendly simple graphics
- Car exhaust smoke
- Basic Scoring & Sounds
- Walking people
- Bus transport mission
- Car refill at Gas Station
- Head- and Brakelights
- Traffic Lights
- Object Selection and Targeting
- House- and Car-Dialogs
- Basic Damage System
- Pause-mode (P), screen sepia fade
- Three different car types
- Automatic driving (waypoint-based)
- Individual drive-behavior
Key Controls:
( A ) ..AutoDrive mode switch
( L ) ..HeadLights on/off
( R ) ..Rescue Car (when stuck)
( N ) ..Select Next Car select
( T ) ..Select next Target
( V ) ..Camera View - Press & Hold
( C ) ..One/Two finger touch Controls
( D ) ..Bus Doors open/close
( E ) ..Engine on/off
( P ) ..Pause Mode
( 1 ) ..Spawn Road-Coins
( 2 ) ..Spawn Car-Coins
( 3 ) ..Spawn Car-Items
( 4 ) ..Test Nuclear Explosion
Arrows = Drive Car with keyboard
Escape = Enter In-Game Menu
User Manual, latest version > project website
If you asked me, I'd say Programmers rather new to Unity would gain the most out of this project - for use as a grab bag of code portions and solutions to some common game-programming problems
In previous versions, most Scene Objects were made out of Unity-cubes or very basic geometric shapes.
As a step further, Roads, Houses and Trees are now replaced by Blender-models to lower draw calls, making the overall render cycle more efficient.
These objects are now colored by texture-based UV-mapping, using an extra Unity-tool. It allows you colorizing the object's faces somehow like painting an easter egg - just write me to get it for free.
The advantage is that it's now fast enough to leave all objects (meshes) uncombined in play mode - though the objects come pre-combined with the package, as it's still a bit faster to render. In order to uncombine, select a folder in "SceneCombined", note the Layer and press "Revert All". Afterwards reassign the Layer, and you're done.
The scene layout can be expanded by your ideas, essentially by just changing or adding new (prefab-)objects.
E.g. to extend streets just add road-objects to the scene, but name them roadS.. or roadG.. in order to get registered. If you added a roundabout, cars will drive on it without any extra coding (as it takes the transforms as a waypoints).
The lake is a special part (and thus only limited changeable), as it needed a cutout-mesh to exist below the ground.
Congrats for reading thru - enjoy some cruising *)