Package Uninstaller is back! As you (might already) know, it helps you to remove and clean up any unwanted assets that you have downloaded from Asset Store, or anywhere else.
• Package Contents Selector: Choose the files you want to keep or remove.
• Search Bar: Just type the name of the package you are looking for, instead of scrolling down the list.
• Detailed Information: Move your mouse over the package to see more details.
• Improved UI: A user-friendly interface for having a great user experience.
Have you ever wanted to uninstall a Unity package from your project? Currently, you will need to delete the files one by one.
With Unity Package Uninstaller, you no longer need to worry about losing your precious work or removing the wrong files. It does the hard job for you.
Simply select the package you have already imported and click Uninstall.
Package Uninstaller will help you keep your projects clean and organized.
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