There has been a report that this package isn't working in the current version of Unity. If you have the same issue, please reach out so I can get to the bottom of what's going on.Cross the Road is a complete project made by me (Josh Whaley). Cross the Road was inspired by a popular mobile game, and was initially started as a learning opportunity, to further my knowledge of Unity. After spending many hours of chipping away at this project, I have decided that it may be helpful to those who are also starting out in Unity, or are looking for a good starter project for a similar, infinitely generated game.
After importing this package to an empty project, you will have a fully-functional game with countless possibilities available for your own customization. Cross the Road is a great starting project which covers a lot of basics, and even a few more advanced subjects.
Give Cross the Road a try today, and see where your next project takes you!