Sea Battle Pirates Hunter is a game ready to publish sea battle simulator.
The game play theme is a pirates war, but, of course you can change as you like.
Works on all platform including mobile.
Make your game in days… Easy to customise
1) Change the ship model
2) Put your islands models or what you like over the sea
3) Set player ships number
4) Set enemies ships number and position
5) Set levels difficulty
6) Change logo and UI graphics
Ready to go…
Now - Complete buy pair of cannons and cannonballs system using Unity In-App Purchase service
Now - Complete get cannonballs by viewing rewarded video using Unity advertising service
(PRO Version) This package requires:
Photon Unity Networking Free on Cloud
Major features
- Top down & back ship controller
- Commands a fleet of ships(1 to 5) at same time
- Ship moving controlled by touch on sea & using keyboard keys
- Enemies ships controlled by great AI algorithm.
- 15 increasing difficulty levels ready
- Quick and easy to add or change levels
- Show advertising video using Unity advertising service
- Complete score ranking system
- Complete nick name management
- Radar system
- Score system MySql PHP with flag relating to country(PRO VERSION)
- (PRO)MULTIPLAYER using “Photon Unity Networking Free on Cloud”
Photon Unity Networking Free on Cloud
- (PRO)MULTIPLAYER preview all Photon Cloud Server data, ping and open rooms
- Mobile ready nothing to do just set the mobile platform in “Player Settings”
- C# code no DLL
- Sound effect
- MAC Standalone
- WIN 7 Standalone
- WIN 8.1 Standalone
- WIN STORE ARM + x86 (PC WIN 10 and SURFACE 3)
- ANDROID (Asus tablet, Samsung Galaxy S4)
- IOS (IPAD 3, IPhone 4s)
WEB-GL Demo As Unity Project
WEB-GL Demo Example Customised Version
Unity Forum