Specops Combat Assault Rifle
HalfPixelGames Released a new Assault Rifle.
Its a part of our great project WORLD ARMY.
- FBX Model -13K polygons.
- 3 texture skins: Desert, Black, Camouflage set
- Also you can easy to add a any camouflage tiled texture as detail texture.
- Separated into 4 parts. (MainElement, Barrel, IronSight, Grenade Launcher).
- 3 type of Barrels: LB, STD, CQS (Long, Medium, Short barrels).
Textures: Albedo, Metalness, NormalMap, AmbientOcclusion, DetailMask, Tiled Camouflage.
4096x4096 - main element.
2048x2048 - GrenadeLauncher
1024x1024 - IronSight and
Barrel, LauncherBullet.
1024x1024 - Tiled Camouflage
All assets using Unity5 Standart Material
In future updates will be added: Silencers, OpticalSights.
Additional information available at forum thread.