Platformer Pathfinding enables a custom A*-Path-Finding algorithm and a flexible Character Controller to navigate the terrain with a simple Navigation Agent AI script.
*Easy to setup Demo scenes
*Customizable Ray cast Character Controller
*Character Ledge grab
*Character Wall slide and wall jump
*Character Jetpack
*Ground Tiles
*Ladder Tiles with climbing functionality
*Portals with Teleport functionality
*One-way Tiles with dropdown functionality
*Moving platforms
*Ground patrol AI example
*Chase AI example
*Flee AI example
*GrayScale Shader
*Full source code in C# access!
*Unity 5 Ready!
Current Constraints:
*Characters recommended to be smaller than ground block size
*Character physics is controlled by raycasting -- not Rigidbody velocity.
*For more details, please contact travismillerdev@gmail.com