Unity 5 compatible PBR/PBS textures
Both for Desktop and MOBILE!
This pack offers AAA quality animated hibernation pods in 3 preset color combinations with EDITABLE, LAYERED TEXTURE SOURCES to create stunning 3d
syfy games (so you can use create your own variations).
The pack also contains a 'chamber' as a GIFT environment for the PODs.
Texture resolutions for the main items are between 4K and 2K.
The package is a part of the HereVR Sci-Fi Project project, what will include several other packs in the future.
The video contains special FX from the Procedural Lightning and Thunder Particle System for Unitypack which is available separately.
Poly numbers (triangles):
27 000 / 9 100 / 5 400
Chamber (HI/LOW) 15 000/ 6 000
WIP VIDEO demo: Click here!
E-mail: herevr3d@gmail.com
Official thread
The illustration screenshots were made in Unity 5.
Other notes
Could require to import the standard 'Effects' unitypackage to run camera effects properly.