Dots! is a complete project made by me (Josh Whaley). Dots! was inspired by many popular mobile games which use this type of gameplay, and was initially started as a learning opportunity, to further my knowledge of Unity. After spending many hours of chipping away at this project, I have decided that it may be helpful to those who are also starting out in Unity, or are looking for a good starter project for a similar, grid-based game. With the exception of the assets listed in the “Asset Sources” section below, all assets were created by me.
Simply import all parts of the package to a new project, and run the "MainMenu" scene!
Although I plan to add touch controls, and the ability to click and drag in the future, controls currently consist of clicking on dots in a series in order to complete a shape. In order to complete a shape, dots must be the same color as, and adjacent to, the previously clicked dot. Once the dot that was first clicked is clicked again, so long as it follows the previously mentioned rules.
Please feel free to leave constructive criticism on the Asset Store page, and I will take changes into consideration.
Asset Sources:
Coin pickup sound: FreeSound.org