A texture pack suitable for building your fantasy games, all materials are using Unity standard shader(metallic).
Bricks 4 textures
Floors 2 main textures, 6 color variants total 18 textures
Grounds 8 textures
Roofs 4 main texture, 2-4 variants, total 12 textures
Stone Walls 4 textures
Wood 2 main textures 4 color variants and Neutral colors, total 8 textures
79 textures in total including Glass, Lava, Rope, Fabric Tents, Metals.
Texture size 1024x1024 png image files for Albedo(basecolor), Metallic, Normal map, Height and Occlusion map.
Sample scene and Material Reference Scene included plus Material Reference in JPG format, a screenshot of each material in the reference scene.