Based on Unreal's foliage painter, 'Critias Foliage' is a system that is designed to paint, extract and optimally render millions of instances of foliage!
With 'Critias Foliage' you can:
- Paint your grass/meshes on your objects/terrain
- Extract existing trees, details or meshes from your scene
- Render at awesome FPS your foliage
- Primitive colliders for navmesh generation
- Add a 'Cleanup' command
- Convert items to native Unity game object format
Bug Fixes:
- Collision duplicating mesh rendering
- YOffset' per-type and not global any more. Works with extraction too
- Code fixes, improved caching
Bug Fixes:
- Changing foliage types from 'OTHER_GRASS' to 'OTHER_TREE' works
- Data does not get duplicated when changing the foliage type any more
- Fixed the 'NullShader' depth issues
- GPU distance foliage bending (experimental)
- Adding foliage instances
- DrawMeshInstancedIndirect with GPU caching
- Runtime hue/color changes
- Grass shadow fade
- Billboard shadows
- Foliage align to terrain in case of heightmap change
- Detail extraction from multiple terrains at once is possible now
- Auto-set the names of the extracted items
- Advanced Foliage Shader 5 integration
- Per foliage type surface align options
- Better painting
- Allow higher and lower densities
- Code examples
- Editor performance optimization
- Documentation notes on common pitfalls like: billboard lighting, foliage normals facing
Bug Fixes:
- Billboard hue variation always matches tree hue variation now
- Various other resource releasing and cleanup bugs are fixed
- Wind not working in certain conditions
- Artist friendly
- Foliage instance batching and culling
- Existing tree and details extracting from terrains
- Hand painting
- Spatial hashed foliage placement. Terrains are not required any more!
- Paint your foliage on absolutely anything! Terrains, objects etc...
- Not dependent on SpeedTree only!
- Awesome FPS (actually that's the whole point of this system)
- Smarter billboard batching
- Automatic setup. No need for any fancy setup like the old system
- Per foliage type culling distances
- Per foliage shadow casting
- Global grass density scaler
- GPU Instance calculations, very low CPU overhead
- Possibility to remove trees at runtime (destructible trees)
- Labels - The system will remember from which source it's instances came from
- Hard-drive serialization
- Support for 100k+ tress with collisions
- Support for multiple foliage types
- Instancing support
- Tillable terrain support
- Billboard rotation
- Billboard Tree Y rotation
- Tree/Grass SpeedTree wind
- LOD System for trees
- SpeedTree style CrossFade
- Uber-fast billboard system (SpeedTree only)
- Generate everything with one button press
- Compatible with anything that can place trees on a terrain
- Everything from Critias Grass System
- Everything from Critias Tree System
I recommend downloading the demo or trying out my other two systems before buying this! If it works poorly on your targeted machine DO NOT buy this system! Use Unity's build in systems, that are designed for very low-end machines!
This system is designed for good desktop PC's with GPU's that support instancing very well. Anything that is a GTX570 and above should work. Check that your GPU has a PassMark of at least 4000 units.
- DX11
- DX11 equivalent graphic API's with instancing support
- GTX570/GTX750TI Golden Sample or equivalent GPU
Compatible Assets:
[Advanced Foliage Shader v5]
[Video Tutorial Quick Setup]
[Video Tutorial Advanced Setup]
[Standalone Demo]