Universal Wheel Physics, is raycast-based wheel behaviour solution alternative to standard Unity's wheel collider(WC).
Biggest difference between them is that UniversalWheel(UW) is more... universal!(who would guess!). That is mainly because you are not forced to set it at fixed position and angle, so you can have wheels even at your vehicle's roof! Also there is no 20 WC per vehicle limit, and simulation is more stable.
Forum thread
WebPlayer demo
-well optimized, fully C# coded
-very similiar to Unity's inspector/API
-flexible: exposed as many options as could,while reamining simplicity of configuration
-automatic handling of visual wheel's rotation and positioning
-much more reliable and universal than standard Unity's WC
-mixing of forward/sideway forces
-finally you can have wheels on your vehicle's roof and sides!
-suspension forces affect other rigidbodies
-simulation of wheel's rotational inertia(you can adjust cars angle in air by accelerating/braking)
-uses realistic Pacejka's wheel friction curves(fully adjustable on the fly)
-friction curves updates automatically after every change to their variables
-smoothing of visual wheel movement(no more up and down wheel teleporting on square obstacles!)
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