Console Enhanced is an improved replacement of the Unity Editor Console.Console Enhanced Free is an improved editor console for Unity.Note: A pro version is also available.Text Search Filter: Quickly search through all logs using the search filter.Context-Colored Callstacks: Beautifully colored callstacks for improved readability.Multiselect: Easily copy multiple log entries to the clipboard.Display Options: Customize font size, color, background colors, and icons; or keep the same look and feel as the regular console.Scroll Effect: Enable smooth-scroll animation to make it clear when new log entries are added.Color Flash Effect: Enable to make sure you don't miss important messages.Optional Columns: Toggle extra columns to show Time.time, Time.frameCount for when Debug.Log is called.Playmode Compiler Options: Gracefully avoid Unity's edit-and-continue feature.Feels Native: Designed to look and feel like a console Unity could have made.Optimized: Fluid rendering, handles tens of thousands of entries. Other console replacements can cause noticeable delays in both compile and launch times, not Console Enhanced!Any questions or feedback? support@unityconsole.com