No longer supported
With this script you can quickly make simple presentation from slides of any subject. The endless swipe system allow to moving the slides in any direction (left|right or up|down) without limits.
WebGL demo
Download apk demo
- Infinity swiping to any direction.
- Easy swipe settings.
- Auto-resize in depends of display resolution.
- PC/android/ios/webplayer platforms.
- Example demo scene included.
Version 1.1
- Code optimization.
- Auto-sliding.
- Image loading by one button.
- Horizontal or vertical swipe modes.
- No events back timer available.
Version 1.2
- Next/Prev buttons navigation.
- Bugs fix.
- Images and buttons sliding.
Version 1.3
- Added new Slide type - RawImage (UI canvas).
- Sound control for each slide and background sound.
- Buttons and autosliding code optimization.
- New public methods for button control from ui canvas.
Version 1.4
- Loading images from web url now.
- Special tap events from script.
- More control for aspect ratio and auto resize system.
- Touch zone control for raw image type.
- New demo scene.